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PetroChina Company Limited (Simplified Chinese: 中国石油天然气股份有限公司), (TraditionalChinese: 中國石油天然氣股份有限公司)(Uyghur: چوڭگو نېفتى‎) 

PetroChina has committed more than $33 billion of capex in 2020, after budget cuts. Diverting a proportion of this into new energy is an important step, even if small in percentage terms. New energy also provides PetroChina much needed growth opportunities. This isn’t PetroChina’s first step in addressing the energy transition.

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Beskedet ges efter att  Vilka tekniska analysverktyg kan användas för att analysera PETROCHINA COMPANY LIMITED? Spana in olika oscillatorer, moving averages och andra  Woxikon / Svenska ordbok / P / PetroChina. IT Italienska ordbok: PetroChina. PetroChina har 6 översättningar i 6 språk. Hoppa till Översättningar.

PetroChina Company Limited Hemsida, 4,1 miljarder US-dollar är PetroChina det 30: e största företaget i världen 

PetroChina - это, определение. Петрочайна - это один из самых крупных китайских производителей газа и нефти, которому принадлежит доминирующая роль в газовой и нефтяной промышленности Китайской Народной Республики (КНР). PetroChina International is the “trading and marketing arm” of PetroChina Company Limited (NYSE: PTR), one of the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies.


PT.PeTroChiNa - Tuban, Bojonegoro. 55 gillar · 15 har varit här. Lokalt företag.


It is not only one of the companies with the biggest sales revenue in China, but also one of the largest oil companies in the world. 4,236. Total assets (billion RMB yuan ) 181.03 Oil production (mmt/a) 150.30 PetroChina Canada is an integrated energy company focused on responsibly producing and delivering energy to customers around the world. As a wholly owned subsidiary of PetroChina Company Limited, we have interests in upstream, midstream and downstream operations in … 2007-11-05 PETROCHINA COMPANY LIMITED (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) (Hong Kong Stock Exchange Stock Code: 857. Shanghai Stock Exchange Stock Code: 601857) Results Announcement for the year ended December 31, 2020 (Summary of the 2020 Annual Report) 1 Important Notice PetroChina Company Limited operates as an oil and gas company.


PetroChina, China's largest oil and natural gas producer, saw profits for the third-quarter plunge by 77% as the more than two-year roil in global oil markets and low oil prices hit the company hard. PetroChina is the publicly listed arm of CNPC, with shares listed in Shanghai, Hong Kong and New York stock exchanges. As at 31 December 2018, PetroChina is 81.03% controlled by CNPC. PetroChina is the largest oil and gas producer and distributor in China, contributing approximately 50% and 60% of China’s domestic oil and gas production volume respectively. PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. has earned the gold rank in the Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRRAT) 2020, hosted by National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR). The trophy acceptance session was recorded in Jakarta few days before the virtual awarding event on … PetroChina International Iraq FZE Iraq Branch is a body registered in the Republic of Iraq to conduct the Petroleum Operations on behalf of a consortium of PetroChina International Iraq FZE, Petronas Carigali Iraq Holding B.V., Total E&P Iraq and South Oil Company of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, as defined in the Development & Production Service Contract (DPSC) for Halfaya Contract Area, an oilfield located in … PetroChina Company Limited (“PetroChina”) is the largest oil and gas producer and distributor, playing a dominant role in the oil and gas industry in China. It is not only one of the companies with the biggest sales revenue in China, but also one of the largest oil companies in the world.
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PetroChina also markets Petrochina International (america), Inc. is located in Houston, TX, United States and is part of the Finance & Insurance Sector Industry. Petrochina International (america), Inc. has 112 total employees across all of its locations and generates $30.46 million in sales (USD).

PetroChina Company Limited is a Chinese oil and gas  Shell Working to Turn Around Troubled Australian Operations, Oil Price Crash - Where Does Asia Go from Here?, Woodside Stops Talks to Sell Offshore. Nov 27, 2017 After debuting on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in November 2007, PetroChina emerged as the world's first US$1 trillion company.
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PetroChina 2020 Interim Results Announcement Press Conference Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended June 30,2020 First Quarterly Report of 2020

-0,93USD. -2,74%. Högst 33,44. Lägst 32,88.

Petrochina International (america), Inc. is located in Houston, TX, United States and is part of the Finance & Insurance Sector Industry. Petrochina International (america), Inc. has 112 total employees across all of its locations and generates $30.46 million in sales (USD).

Pris/Ränta: 4.11. Position: 2462700. Marknadsvärde:  Han var dock fram tills nyligen VD för PetroChina. När nyheten om PetroChina-utredningen dök upp pekade både västerländska medier och  Coronakrisen har kostat en hel del för Petrochina. Detta kinesiska oljeföretag upplevde ett katastrofalt halvår, då efterfrågan och oljepriset sjönk  PetroChina Company Limited har beställt mer än 40 oljefria kompressorer och lufttorkar, till två naturgasledningar som just nu byggs i Kina;  När det kinesiska oljebolaget Petrochina introduceras på Shanghaibörsen i början av nästa vecka blir det till det största beloppet i börsens  PetroChina Company Limited har beställt mer än 40 oljefria kompressorer och lufttorkar, till två naturgasledningar som just nu byggs i Kina;  2012 年 PetroChina " AV-skådespelerskadörr "Den beräknade, raderade och bokförda avgiften överstiger 500 miljarder yuan.

Direkt efter börsnoteringen ökade värdet på aktier i kinesiska gas- och oljekoncernen Petrochina med 190 procent. Företagets börsvärde är nu  PetroChina (NYSE: PTR), den Hongkong-noterade armen i landets största olje- och gasproducent, China National Petroleum Corp., gjorde det efterlängtade  Företagets nya förvärv av 50% av INEOS förädlingsindustri ger PetroChina en perfekt språngbräda för att utvidga sin portfölj i Europa och INEOS får en ny  The first Australian deal involves PetroChina in a 20% farm-in to ConocoPhillips' interest in the Greater Poseidon gas fields in the Browse basin  Uniteam H2S Safety Shelters for PetroChina.